Raising Awareness About Childhood Obesity

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Completion of our Service Learning Project

For our service learning project, we volunteered at the Youth Fitness Center at the Peabody YMCA. Children and teens ranging in age from nine-years-old to thirteen-years-old can come to this afterschool fitness center on weekdays and Saturdays. At the center, members can use a variety of weight-training equipment, cardio machines, and electronic fitness equipment, such as Nintendo Wii and Dance-Dance Revolution. They also have access to the indoor track and basketball court at the YMCA. One of the major goals of the Youth Fitness Center is to combat and help prevent childhood obesity. The center provides a safe place for youths of all abilities to exercise.
            During our time at the YMCA, we helped and monitored the members who were exercising. When they arrived to the center, we made sure they took out their workout sheets before using any equipment. The proper weight each member should be using while exercising on weight-training equipment is recorded on these sheets. If members want to use more weight on any machine, they need to notify a staff member, who will make sure they can use the additional weight without risking injury. We also helped children and teens adjust their equipment, learn how to use new machines, and made sure they were using the equipment safely.  The Youth Fitness Center is a great organization for youths of all fitness abilities to be a part of. And, importantly, this center is helping aid in the prevention of childhood obesity.
Information about the Youth Fitness Center: http://www.peabodyymca.org/wp/?page_id=135

Caroline’s Reflection
            The Youth Fitness Center at the YMCA is an organization that is helping prevent childhood obesity. Most workout facilities do not allow children to exercise until they are around the ages of 15 or 16. The Youth Fitness Center provides a safe environment for members to exercise, minimizes the risk of injury, and helps members maintain a healthy lifestyle.
            I really enjoyed volunteering at the Youth Fitness Center. It was obvious that the members were enjoying themselves while exercising. Each member Jen and I talked to had positive feedback about the facility. The members were not fooling around, but rather took their time at the center seriously. I saw a range of children, from fit to overweight. It was nice to see that the overweight children have a place to exercise as much as they want. The Youth Fitness Center will definitely help combat the issue of childhood obesity by providing a safe environment for youths to exercise.
            I would definitely participate in an experience similar to this in the future. It was so gratifying for me to see children come to a facility that will help them maintain their health now and hopefully in the future. I enjoyed interacting with the members and helping them whenever necessary. Also, it was nice to know that I helped the staff members, who are responsible for keeping this program running.
            As a teacher, I would have students create their own service learning project in the upper elementary school grades. I think it is a great way for students to become involved in society, which is major focal point of teaching social studies. I liked being able to choose a topic for this service learning project that I was passionate about, so I would definitely allow students to choose their own topic, as well. Overall, this experience has increased my knowledge and awareness of childhood obesity. It has allowed me to be an active participant in the issue I have been researching all semester, and was a memorable and rewarding experience.

Jen’s Reflection:
          Researching this topic really opens up your mind and makes you aware of this growing issue in this country. Childhood obesity affects many children and many parents don’t take it serious. There are some that do. Spending an afternoon at the YMCA in the youth fitness center makes you aware of how serious people have been taking this issue. I was surprised to see special exercise equipment designed just for children. I loved the fitness center for the children. It was a fun place. It had the exercise equipment, and they had some fun games interactive games. Some of these games included the wii, an interactive light wall, and dance dance revolution. The staff would play fun music for the children to listen to. It made it a fun and comfortable environment. We did ask one of the boys who attended the fitness center weekly, he said “I really like it! I feel I have gotten thinner, and it makes me stronger, and I lost my Man boobs!”  He did really enjoy it! This youth center was a really great place. It made me wish I want a few years younger to work out there.
          Working on this project really helped to understand this issue and made me more aware of the issue. The idea of the service learning project is something that I would like to do again and intergraded it into my classroom. I can see how it would make the students want to help the community and spread their opinions on a matter that they feel strongly about. I believe that it is important for students to want to stand for their beliefs and make it known when it comes to certain issues.

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